Other Features

Con Fuel

Con Fuel provides limited fuel for your whole Anime Fusion experience, whether it’s giving you that extra boost to attend the Cosplay Contest, that extra sugar rush to outwit your gaming competitors, or just something to snack on before meditating in the Quiet Zone.

The treats in Con Fuel are free for all attendees, but we kindly remind you that this service is not meant to be a replacement for full meals. Please take care of yourselves and remember to eat full meals during the convention.

Cosplay Lounge

Stop by during operating hours to adjust your costume, do some quick repairs, or just take a load off away from crowds to hang out in a chill space. The Lounge offers table seating, a cosplay first aid station, a small photo area with backdrops, and the ever-helpful Cosplay Staff! Cosplay contest sign up/registration also happens in this space for those participating or interested in the contest.

Family Activity Room

Here with your family, or maybe you just like to color? Anime Fusion is happy to provide a fun place for parents and kids of all ages to take a break and hang out in our Family Activity Room! One of our goals is to bring families together via anime; so come on over for a family-friendly room featuring small crafting activities, anime coloring sheets, and more!

As a reminder: This room is intended for parents and children to enjoy together. Please do not leave your children unattended anywhere at the convention.

Manga LibraryManga Library

Need a break? Come nestle into one of our floor cushions with a good old-fashioned book! The library is close enough to the rest of the convention that you can easily go get a cup of ramen or catch a panel, but far enough away that it isn’t too loud.

All manga in our library was donated by the community. Have some manga laying around that you don’t read anymore? Donate it today by contacting our Logistics department

Room Parties

Every year attendees at our convention volunteer their time, energy, and resources to create and host parties in their hotel rooms to entertain their fellow congoers. We invite you to attend or host a room party! Room parties are held in a block of dedicated rooms in the hotel assigned to approved attendees running parties at the convention. Most parties focus on a particular activity or theme.

Some room parties cater to all ages, offering snacks and activities the whole family can enjoy. Other parties are aimed at older attendees, serving alcoholic beverages. Any party serving alcohol is required to check ID and serve responsibly. Attendees should always be aware of their limits while enjoying adult drinks.

Video Gaming

Chomping bits and smashing pixels! We’ve got your video gaming needs covered. Come check out our arcade cabinets, or duke it out with your friends over a game of Smash Bros. Retro more your style? We will have games for NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, and more! Come play!

Video Rooms

Video Rooms

It’s all about the anime! Check out a new series or revisit an old favorite in our video rooms. We’re putting together a great selection of titles, from new releases to the classics that started it all. If you’re new to anime, sample the breakout hits that led to the rise of the anime industry in the United States. If you’re a long-time fan of the classics, try out a new show fresh from Japan. There’s no better place to preview anime than an anime convention!