Room Party Application


By submitting a Room Party Application you agree to abide by the rules set forth here, and understand that there may be additional rules to the standard Anime Fusion convention policies.


  1. All open-door room party hosts must be pre-registered with Anime Fusion and reserve a room at the hotel. You must email the room confirmation number to by August 31st.

  2. A party must be open for at least six hours of operation minimum over the course of the convention. Unless an exception is given, you must be open on both Friday and Saturday night. If an emergency happens, you must contact the Room Parties team to notify them your room will not be open that night, and coordinate any further needs. 
    • If unable to reach Room Parties, please contact Operations.

  3. Room party organizers must submit the following information to be considered for a room party (form below): 
    • Room party title, short description for the Program Guide, and the plan/purpose of your party.
    • Declaration of hours of operation. 
    • Party Host contact information (all persons responsible for the party): First and last legal name, cell phone number, email address, badge name/number.
    • Name on reservation, reservation number, contact information for the person/s the reservation is under (if different from Host/s).
    • State explicitly if you plan to serve alcohol. 
    • State explicitly if there is any sort of age restriction.

  4. Each room party will be allotted 2 Host ID buttons, and 4 Helper ID buttons – you may have non-registered assistants help with running your room party, but those helpers will not be allowed to enter any of the other convention spaces or activities without their own paid registration.

  5. There must be two responsible hosts that have a valid badge registered as party contacts. If the names of the hosts change, we must be notified. At least one room party host must be present and sober in the room during all party hours.

  6. Dance parties and parties with loud music are limited due to noise restrictions. Room Parties staff can help you set acceptable music levels in your room to avoid noise complaints interrupting your party. Staff (convention or hotel) reserve the right to require you to turn down the volume of your sound at any time during the weekend.

    Parties that are told to turn their volume down repeatedly may be subject to being shut down. The Crowne Plaza also reserves the right to remove attendees from the hotel due to complaints. 

  7. Anime Fusion and Quad Cities Anime, its staff, and its affiliates accept no responsibility for room parties. Attendees and guests who violate hotel, local, state, and/or federal policies and ordinances do so at their own risk.  Hosts of room parties accept full responsibility for any damages or loss related to their party and the hotel room, including but not limited to fees for cleaning, property damage, and room resets.

  8. A party may promote their event with age-appropriate materials (PG-13).  Flyers may be posted on hotel property if approved by event staff, and blue painter’s tape is used.  The room party host(s) must honor any restriction of promotion material made by the hotel. 
    1. Parties in which alcohol is being served should be clearly noted on promotional material.
    2. Any age-restricted or alcohol-serving parties must ID at the door, accepting only government (state and federal) issued IDs or passports, and are subject to local laws and restrictions.

  9. All parties must comply with ”Minnesota Statute 340A – Liquor Laws”.

  10. Hotel and event Safety staff reserve the right to shut down any party that causes disturbance to other guests and attendees, or violates the room party/convention policies.

  11. Room parties must allow admittance to anyone with a valid Anime Fusion badge; additional government-issued ID may be required for an age-restricted party.  A party host may contact Room Parties and Safety staff if there is an attendee or guest causing a disturbance.

  12. Registrations for other conventions may be taken and room parties are allowed to accept tips or donations, but other commerce is not allowed within room parties. The sale of tickets, merchandise, food and/or drink is not permitted.

    Please be aware that anyone caught selling anything other than convention registrations in their party rooms will be required to shut down immediately, will be removed from the hotel, and may be subject to a ban for future convention years. No refunds will be given. 

  13. Hotel policy states that any guest caught serving alcohol to a minor or not checking IDs will be reported to local police and subject to legal ramifications.  The guest will not be allowed back into the hotel and the room is forfeited.  Any payments paid to the hotel are non-refundable, and any outstanding balances must still be paid in full.
    Furthermore, any attendee violating the hotel’s alcohol policy will be banned from Anime Fusion.

  14. The Crowne Plaza is giving us a new shut-down time of 2:30am (previously 2am) for our activities and programming! This means that all parties need to be fully shut down by no later than 2:30am. We suggest beginning your shut-down process at 2am, in order to be closed by 2:30am. 

    Any room party that is still running after that point is subject to removal from the convention.
    People are allowed to continue to have private socializing in their rooms once the party is shut down, but are subject to more restrictive noise levels. The Crowne Plaza reserves the right to intervene if they deem it necessary. 

    Please be considerate of your fellow attendees and tired party hosts! 



Q. How do I know if my party request was approved or received?
A. Room Parties staff should typically reply within a week of your form being submitted. If you have not received a response after a full week, please contact us at, and include the message/s or details of previous messages you sent to Room Parties.

Q. What is required for me to run a room party?
A. Minimum requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • You must be registered to attend the convention.
  • You must have registered for a hotel room.
  • Two room party hosts are required per party.

Q. Do I have to be registered for the convention to run a party?
A. Yes, you must be registered for the convention.

Q. Can I sleep in my room party?
A. Yes, you can sleep in your room party room. Please make sure it does not interfere with your hours of operation.

Q. What if I want a separate sleeping room?
A. Please make reservations as normal for two hotel rooms, then email us the confirmation number for the room you are reserving for your party.

Q. Can I have the beds or furniture removed from my room?
A. Yes. Bed removal is $150 per room (plus 7.525% tax). All furniture can be removed from a room for $300 (plus tax). If you choose this option, the only items that will remain in the room are:

  • Nightstand with lamp
  • 2 floor lamps
  • Dresser

Q. What is not allowed in a room party?
A. The following are not permitted:

  • Fog machines
  • Open flames
  • Dry ice
  • Nudity of attendees or party hosts/helpers

Q. How do I put up decorations and signs?
A. Blue painter’s tape. Please hang signs only on the walls, not glass doors or windows.

Q. Am I allowed to serve alcohol at my party?
A. Yes, 21+ parties are allowed. You are required to ID everyone at the door. (Government-issued IDs must be checked; a convention badge does not count.) All alcohol must be consumed in the party area.

Q. If I get a drink at a party can it leave the area?
A. No. Alcoholic drinks cannot be taken out of the party area. Alcohol cannot be carried openly in the general convention space.

Q. Are contests allowed in parties? Am I allowed to give out prizes?
A. Yes, you can run a contest in your room, but you may not charge for participation. Yes, prizes can be given out.

Q. Can I throw a one-day party?
A. We typically require that parties are open both nights. If you would like to inquire about an exception, please contact us at


Applications for 2024 will open later in the year. Follow our social media or join our mailing list for notifications.